Find Service Providers in Southeast Ohio

Use our searchable directory to find aging and health service providers and community resources near you in Southeast Ohio. These resources for residents in the Buckeye Hills region, include adult daycare services, adult protective services, assisted living support, housing and apartment information, congregate meal sites, hospice care providers, support groups, and much more.

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Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Home Maintenance and Handicap Accessibility

1400 Pike Street,
Marietta OH, 45750

Home Maintenance and Handicap Accessibility: This program helps enable eligible persons to “age in place” through changes to an existing bathroom; providing wheelchair accessibility; or repairs to a roof. Income-eligible […]
Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Alzheimer's, Information and Services

322 Eighth Avenue, 16th Floor,
New York NY, 10001

The mission of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) is to provide support, services and education to individuals, families and caregivers affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias nationwide, and […]
Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Alzheimer's, Family Care Consultation

(24/7 Hotline) 800-272-3900
1379 Dublin Rd.,
Columbus OH, 43213

The Alzheimer’s Association leads the way to ending Alzheimer’s and all other dementias by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. The […]
Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Advocacy & Patient Rights, Resources

OCAPS, PO Box 297916,
Columbus OH, 43229

Resource directory for older victims of crime and abuse.
Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Advocacy & Patient Rights, Medicare

888-524-9900 TTY 888-985-8775
fax: 885-236-2423
10830 Guilford Road Suite 312,
Annapolis Junction MD, 20701

Livanta is a Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO). BFCC-QIOs are responsible for medical case review, which supports the rights of people on Medicare. These rights include […]
Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Advocacy & Patient Rights, Ombudsman

888-502-6601 (Regional)
800-282-1206 (State)
3820 Trueman Court,
Hilliard OH, 43026

The long-term care ombudsman helps people who receive long-term care in their homes, an assisted living facility, or a nursing home. Ombudsman staff help solve problems with providers and services. […]
Service Area: Athens
Services: Adult Day Care, Benefit Information, Medicaid, Medicare, Forms Assistance, Senior Resources, Senior Centers, Telephone Reassurance, Volunteer Opportunities, Transportation

701 E. State Street, Suite 101,
Athens OH, 45701

United Seniors of Athens County, Inc. offers supervised programming to maintain and increase independent living skills. Services are free for Athens County residents age 60 or older and include Transportation, […]


Provider Directory FAQ

In most cases, we provide a phone number, website, or other means of contacting individual providers. If you need more information or don’t find what you’re looking for, our Advice Line is ready to assist you at 1-800-331-2644.

We’ll be happy to correct your directory listing. Please submit your updated information through our online form.

To be considered for addition to our provider directory, please submit your organization’s information through our online form. Please note that your organization must provide services within one or more of the following counties in Ohio: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Noble, Morgan, Perry, Washington.

Please note that any and all information provided about service providers is intended for referral purposes only. Buckeye Hills Regional Council does not license service providers, nor guarantee the quality of service they will provide. Therefore, our staff does not endorse or recommend any single provider. The decision to use any service provider is the sole responsibility of the person needing the service, their family, or their caregiver.

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