Investments Supporting Partnerships in Recovery Ecosystems Initiative (INSPIRE)

Website: INSPIRE
Open Date: 01/17/2023
Close Date: 03/17/2023
Match: 20%-70%
Funding: Up to $500,000
Eligible Entities: Educational Institutions, Local Government, Non-Profits


Projects that address the substance use crisis by creating or expanding a recovery ecosystem that will lead to workforce entry/reentry; Post-treatment-to-employment continuum; Investments in healthcare networks, behavioral health professions; SUD recovery-focused job training programs

Additional Details

Website: INSPIRE
Open Date: 01/17/2023
Close Date: 03/17/2023
Match: 20%-70%
Funding: Up to $500,000
Eligible Entities: Educational Institutions, Local Government, Non-Profits

Recent Opportunities

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