The Ohio Department of Aging announces the availability of more than $10 million in COVID-19 relief funds for adult day services and senior centers. These funds will help eligible adult day service and senior center providers continue or reopen services in their communities by offsetting some costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Detailed information is available at aging.ohio.gov/RoadBack and applications can be completed by clicking here.
Adult day service settings and senior centers were required to discontinue in-person service delivery in March 2020 pursuant to the health director’s order. On Aug. 31, 2020, the director of the Department of Health issued a revised order permitting facility-based services to begin on Sept. 21, 2020 if they meet certain safety standards, including reduced capacity and spacing, increased sanitation, signage and communication, activity requirements and staffing protocols. Both adult day service settings and senior centers were impacted during the pandemic due to the high degree of susceptibility to COVID-19 and the congregate nature of the services provided to the public. Providers in this sector have incurred significant losses, continue to incur losses, and are experiencing additional costs due to the pandemic.
The Ohio Department of Aging began accepting applications to provide critically needed economic support and grants on March 17, running through April 9, 2021. These funds will be distributed through the Ohio Office of Budget and Management at the direction of the Ohio Department of Aging. The funds were provided to the state from the US Department of Treasury and the US Department of Health and Human Services as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This is the second round of funding availability. In the fourth quarter of 2020, ODA awarded $4.6 million to 134 facilities who were identified as qualifying centers for financial support.
About ODA – The Ohio Department of Aging serves and advocates for the needs of Ohioans age 60 and older, as well as their families, caregivers and communities. Programs include home and community based long-term supports and services, as well as initiatives to promote health and wellness throughout the lifespan. Visit aging.ohio.gov.