Daybreak Ambulette

Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Transportation, Ambulette


Provides non-emergency medical transportation to seniors and disabled patients. We can provide transportation from your house to Medical appointments, Dialysis appointments, Chemotherapy, Adult day care centers, Family Activities, Wheelchair transportation. Contact for a quote.

Related Providers

Service Area: Hocking
Services: Transportation, Medicaid, Medical Transportation


Serving Hocking, Ross, Vinton, and Fairfield Counties. Non-emergency medical transportation to eligible Medicaid riders.

Advice Line

Older Adults & Caregivers

We connect older adults, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers with relevant program and enrollment information.

Need immediate help for yourself or a loved one?

Community Leaders

We provide local community leaders with up-to-date strategic data, program information, and funding opportunities.

Need funding for a project in your community?

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