Develops, manages, and provides services and support to individuals who lack sufficient financial resources to meet their basic needs or to provide the kind of quality life they desire. Can offer assistance in certain situations for rental asssistance, homelessness prevention, and utilities. The Emergency Home Repair Program provides emergency home repairs under grants for eligible homeowners in Guernsey, Monroe, and Noble counties.
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Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Home Maintenance and Handicap Accessibility, Pest Control
Service Area: Monroe
Services: Housing, Apartments
702 Woodland Court,
Woodsfield OH, 43793
Bedrooms Available: 12 One Bedroom Units, 36 Two Bedroom Units; Property Type: Multi-Family Housing Rental – Family.
Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Home Maintenance and Handicap Accessibility, Energy and Weatherization
Must be at or below 150% of poverty level and utility must be in consumer’s name. Can do work on mobile homes. Services include: attic, wall, foundation, duct, pipe and […]