At Tri-County Help Center, we are dedicated to helping people overcome domestic violence, sexual assault, and mental illness. Serves Belmone, Monroe and Harrison Counties.
Related Providers
Service Area: Hocking, Monroe
Services: Mental Health Resources, Crisis Hotline, Support Groups & Helplines, Domestic Violence
104 1/2 N. Marietta St.,
St. Clairsville OH, 43950
Trained and caring advocates are available 24/7 to provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information about our services, referrals to other community resources, and just to talk when you’re in need.
Service Area: Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Support Groups & Helplines, Parkinsons
Organization provides health and care related information, facilitating family and friend involvement in care, and promoting awareness and use of community services. Has a database of support groups in MI, […]
Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Support Groups & Helplines, Down Syndrome
1917 Dudley Avenue,
Parkersburg WV, 26101
Employment training for groups and individuals with disabilities.