Buckeye Hills Regional Council is accepting applications for Surface Transportation Block Grant funds through February 14, 2025.
Eligible applicants must be a public agency within Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Morgan, Monroe, Noble, Perry, or portions of Washington County legally allowed to enter a contract with ODOT. Non-profit organizations, school districts, and non-public organizations are not eligible applicants but may coordinate/partner with an eligible applicant. The sponsoring agency assumes responsibility for project execution and completion. The sponsoring agency must own, hold an easement, or acquire the land on which the project is located. The sponsoring agency must approve a resolution or other legislation committing the agency to the project.
Eligible Projects and Applicants
Eligible projects must:
- Be listed in the current or can be added to the BHRC Long-Range Transportation Plan or
- Be listed in the current BHRC Regional Transportation Improvement Plan or
- Be listed in a regionally developed plan, such as Local Road Safety Plan or Active Transportation Plan
The project scope may differ from the listing as long as the project objective is the same and aligns with the goals of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
STBG Funds may be used for eligible cost for planning studies/services for active transportation projects or engineering/design phases on the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) and Small City projects approved by ODOT Districts #5 (Perry) and #10 (Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Morgan, Monroe, Noble and portions of Washington). Roadway projects must be on a federal-aid-eligible route. Bike, pedestrian, safety, transit, and non-highway freight projects are not limited to the federal aid network. Funds not expended in the planning phase of the project may be moved to other portions of the projects as needed without the approval of the committee.
For more information about this program, contact Eric Wade at ewade@buckeyehills.org.