What is the Older Americans Act?

The Older Americans Act (OAA) was passed in 1965 with the goal of supporting older Americans to live at home and in the community with dignity and independence for as long as possible. For five decades, Buckeye Hills and our partner agencies, have helped deliver home and community-based services and supports to older adults and their caregivers through the Older Americans Act.

Title III

The OAA is made up of many focus areas, called “Titles,” which support or provide for nutrition programs, home and community-based services, caregiver support, long-term care ombudsman programs and senior employment programs.

Title III is the largest focus area in the OAA. Through Title III, funds are granted to each state by the federal government. In Ohio, the funds are directed to the Ohio Department of Aging and then distributed to the 12 Area Agencies on Aging, including Buckeye Hills Regional Council.

Each AAA uses the funding to plan, develop and coordinate systems of supportive, in-home and community-based services. Buckeye Hills Regional Council is the AAA for Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, and Washington counties. This region is known as AAA8

Who is Eligible for Older Americans Act and Title III Services?

Typically, any Ohioan age 60 or older, or any Ohioan who serves as a caregiver for an older Ohioan, is eligible for OAA services, provided he or she meets the eligibility requirements for specific programs. Due to limited funding, priority is often given to low-income, minority, and rural older adults.

Benefits and Services

In southeast Ohio, Buckeye Hills Regional Council uses Title III funds to advocate for older adults and help them remain in their own homes and communities. Funding is provided to senior centers, community action agencies, and other local organizations that provide services such as transportation, congregate meals, caregiver support, legal help, and wellness education.

Three older adult woman hug and laugh together

Aging & Health

People of all ages, abilities, and income levels can turn to Buckeye Hills for information on a full range of long-term care services and support options. We are ready to answer questions about aging and health, share information, and connect

Advice Line

Older Adults & Caregivers

We connect older adults, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers with relevant program and enrollment information.

Need immediate help for yourself or a loved one?

Community Leaders

We provide local community leaders with up-to-date strategic data, program information, and funding opportunities.

Need funding for a project in your community?

Are you a service provider?