Athens County 2-1-1 Helpline

Service Area: Athens
Services: Information & Referral


Offers a 24-hour helpline to provide referral and information about supports and services in your area.

Related Providers

Service Area: Athens, Morgan, Perry, Washington
Services: Information & Referral

Dial 2-1-1

Offers a 24-hour helpline to provide referral and information about supports and services in your area.
Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Advocacy & Patient Rights, Information & Referral

2655 West National Road,
Springfield OH, 45504

The goal of the Resource Center is to help members of our Masonic family, and other Ohioans, wherever they may be, find solutions for their financial, social and clinical needs.
Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: Benefit Information, Information & Referral

1400 Pike Street,
Marietta OH, 45750

Information & Referral: Helps answer questions, share information about options, and connect callers to the community resources and services that can best meet individual needs.

Advice Line

Older Adults & Caregivers

We connect older adults, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers with relevant program and enrollment information.

Need immediate help for yourself or a loved one?

Community Leaders

We provide local community leaders with up-to-date strategic data, program information, and funding opportunities.

Need funding for a project in your community?

Are you a service provider?