Find Service Providers in Southeast Ohio

Use our searchable directory to find aging and health service providers and community resources near you in Southeast Ohio. These resources for residents in the Buckeye Hills region, include adult daycare services, adult protective services, assisted living support, housing and apartment information, congregate meal sites, hospice care providers, support groups, and much more.

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Service Area: Washington
Services: Housing

274 Front St.,
Marietta OH, 45750

Open to clients (homelessness component) 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Provides hot meals Monday through Friday at the center and provides food and bottled water to take with Can take […]
Service Area: Monroe
Services: Home Maintenance and Handicap Accessibility, Community Action, Housing, Utility Assistance

108 East Main St.,
Woodsfield OH, 43793

Develops, manages, and provides services and support to individuals who lack sufficient financial resources to meet their basic needs or to provide the kind of quality life they desire. Can […]
Service Area: Monroe
Services: Mental Health Resources, Counseling, Crisis Hotline, Mental Health Services

7990 Airport Road,
Woodsfield OH, 43793

Services include Individual Therapy, Psychiatry, and Case Management. Medicaid accepted for Case Management services. BHM 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-800-354-4357
Service Area: Athens, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Washington

2730 Washington Blvd.,
Belpre OH, 45715

Services include: Expertise in pain and symptom relief Medications Medical equipment: oxygen, wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, etc. Medical supplies Nurse available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Assistance […]
Service Area: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry, Washington
Services: In-Home Services and Assistance

822 Wheeling Ave.,
Cambridge OH, 43725

Services include personal care and homemaker


Provider Directory FAQ

In most cases, we provide a phone number, website, or other means of contacting individual providers. If you need more information or don’t find what you’re looking for, our Advice Line is ready to assist you at 1-800-331-2644.

We’ll be happy to correct your directory listing. Please submit your updated information through our online form.

To be considered for addition to our provider directory, please submit your organization’s information through our online form. Please note that your organization must provide services within one or more of the following counties in Ohio: Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Noble, Morgan, Perry, Washington.

Please note that any and all information provided about service providers is intended for referral purposes only. Buckeye Hills Regional Council does not license service providers, nor guarantee the quality of service they will provide. Therefore, our staff does not endorse or recommend any single provider. The decision to use any service provider is the sole responsibility of the person needing the service, their family, or their caregiver.

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